Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

benefit of lime

benefit of lime already known by most people and certainly uses lime are also in need. Lime which has a characteristic rounded shape , green , have a diameter of between 2 to sweet potato plant 4 cm mothers enjoy doing this - surely mothers . Yes , lime that is in use by the mother - the mother as a food flavoring ingredient turns out to have remarkable properties . Easy lemon in get in the market or if you do not want to market in any supermarket lime can be obtained . Properties of lime too many kinds. Lime is used as a beverage , deodorizing , and even cough medicine for slimming the body can also be done simply with the consumption of lime

The following properties of lime than as a food flavoring ingredient

Lime is very efficacious for treating cerpen cinta sedih the face . Surely we often find beauty products based skin extracts of lime juice . This is due to lime were able to make the skin appear bright and fresh , soft and shrink pores .

Lime also has benefits for people who suffer from high blood pressure . Levels of vitamins contained in the lime able to lower high blood pressure . Orange juice is also often used for hypertension drug .

Acne certainly make some people insecure . Properties of lime can also be to treat acne that appears on the skin . It was in because lime capable of removing oil on the face , excessive oil on the facial area can cause acne-causing bacteria can grow .
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