Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

benefits and efficacy leaf cat whiskers

To treat urinary stones , paved the urine, back pain , high blood pressure , and diabetes mellitus :Take a handheld leaf cat whiskers , boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining one cup . cerpen cinta terbaru Drink this mixture one cup a day before bedtime .

To expedite expenditure of urine :

Prepare cat whiskers approximately 30 grams , Reed root 30 grams , 30 grams meniran , wash thoroughly all the ingredients , and boil all these ingredients diair three glass until the water is reduced to 1.5 cups . Drink the potion sebanhyak ½ cup 3 times a day .

To treat kidney stones :

Prepare cat whiskers leaves 25 grams , download puisi 25 grams ngokilo leaves , leaves nasty shard , washed 25 grams , meniran leaves with roots 25 grams , and all of these ingredients boiled in four cups of water to boiling . Drink until they run out of water the herb in a day .

To treat kidney stones you can try another way , namely :

Prepare the leaves are still fresh cat whiskers 3 handheld , leaves nasty shard 5 pieces , wash thoroughly , both the herb boiled with two glasses of water how to grow sweet potato to boiling . Drink decoction of the herb 2x a day morning and evening for 10 days .

That is the summary of benefits and efficacy leaf cat whiskers cat whiskers , which are very useful for maintaining the health of the human body . Accepted the love , may be useful to you

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